Gilles Vautour

My picture Welcome to my professional webpage,

My work at the Chemistry Department is to provide mass spectrometry services to various research groups within the chemistry department, as well as to external universities researchers. Additionnaly, I also provide level 1  computer support to users within the Chemistry Department.


Department of Chemistry
F.J. Toole Hall Building
University of New Brunswick
30 Dineen Drive, NB
E3B 5A3

Tel: (506)458-7256
Fax: (506)453-4981
email: vautoug at unb dot ca

Email Me


Chemistry Links
  • NIST Chemistry WebBook (if you want to do a search for mass spctra)
  • Molecular Weight Calculator (excellent program to calulate the isotopic molecular mass)
  • Chemistry Department at UNB
  • UNB home page
  • Mass spectrometry Data at Widener (It has a good pdf document on mass spectrometry)

  • Technical stuff...
  • How to access a computer via remote access, click here

    update: February 10,2010